Printable Paper Project For Your Child!

Since the Internet is SO technologically advanced, more and more websites are coming up with more and more ways for your child to not only have fun and to learn. One of the websites I'm talking about are these children craft sites where you can either do projects directly on the site - like coloring or and drawing or you can print out template and games to do with your child. These sites are really nice because most all of the ones I have found are completely free.

The only thing you are going to need is a computer which you undoubtedly already have, a printer, and some printable paper. Now if it's something like a template that needs to be on the thicker side, you might want to consider buying heavyweight paper for these projects. Heavyweight paper is very durable and usually about .006" depending on the actual weight of the paper. Whereas with something like regular printer paper it's about .002", again depending on the weight and type of paper.

This might not seem like a difference, but in the scheme of things its like comparing apples to oranges! This heavyweight paper is going to be considerably better these arts and crafts projects as far as printing goes. Also, you can choose from a variety of custom stock sheets and custom paper size options as well. Need something a little larger for a template? Or maybe something a little smaller to make your own cards? No problem, we've got you covered!

Have A Special Presentation? Need Custom Paper Size?

As the CEO of my own company, I don't really have to deal with a lot of presentations and such, especially since I work from my home office. However, there are a lot of businesses where employees NEED to print up presentations, proposal, graphs/goals, schedules, posters, campaign ads, etc. For these types of presentations you absolutely need quality paper - that is a no-brainer. If you use something really cheap or something really thin, chances are you are going to have a bleeder!

This is when the ink runs or "bleeds" through the paper. Not only is it messy, but it's also unprofessional! If you need to do a special presentation, you might want to start looking at printable paper such as heavyweight paper, custom stock sheets and different options for custom paper size for your presentation. The printable paper obviously means this is paper that is made to print on. The heavyweight means that it's going to be thick enough for your presentation to have a certain look of professionalism to it, and it's not going to bleed through!

The custom stock sheets option is going to allow you to choose from all kinds of colors and types of paper materials such as glossy, matte, linen, vellum, and heck! you can even choose from metallic if you really want to! Lastly, the custom paper size is obviously going to let you choose what paper size you will need for your presentation. This is seriously going to impress your clients and customers and your boss. Don't have this kind of paper yet? Well you better get moving!

Printable Paper For Customized Christmas Cards!

Nowadays just about everyone is getting into technology - and when you throw in a nice printer and some quality paper, you really can make some kick butt cards. And you can use these for any occasion or any holiday. They also have a lot of software available these days with all kinds of designs, templates and options in order to make THE best cards possible. Besides a quality printer, you are going to need quality printable paper. It's a good idea to look at heavyweight paper for something like cards because of the amount of ink that is going to be on the paper.

Plus, the heavyweight paper adds a certain thickness to the card which makes it seem even high quality once you shape it and fold it to how you want it. Another thing you can do if you are making customized cards is to use custom stock sheets and custom paper size options. The custom stock sheets are going to allow you to choose from a variety of material's and colors. So for example, for Christmas cards you could do something like Vellum or Linen paper to give it that extra extra level of quality.

And with the customer paper sizes you can obviously choose from custom sizes of paper depending on what YOU want. Standard sizes for printable paper start at around 8.5 × 11 for letter size paper. But with custom options you can go as big or as small as you see fit.

How Can I Choose Printable Paper For My Business?

I don't know one single office or business that doesn't use paper. Have it be for faxes, print outs, graphs, or to simply write on - all companies are going to use paper at one level or another. For something like printable paper you might want to consider a heavyweight paper option. This keeps the inks from your printer from bleeding through - which is really important if you are using the paper for something like a presentation and you want to be as professional as possible.

Also, you can buy custom stock sheets and custom paper size options as well. For example, if you are IN the printing business you will most likely need a variety of sizes and customizations for your customers. The custom stock sheets are going to allow you to choose sizes, colors, textures, types of materials, etc. It's all about variety, especially in the printing business. Also, if you have a business such as photography, you are going to need paper with glossy effects, matte, coated, etc.

Really it's going to depend on WHAT you need the paper for! Just try to use common sense when choosing the right kind of paper. Another thing you could do if you are looking for printable paper is take a look at our website – at we can answer any questions or concerns you may have, and we even offer sample pages. This is going to be a little package that we can send you with a few of the different styles and thicknesses of papers we have so you can visually see and physically feel what the paper looks and feels like!

How Can I Recycle Printable Paper?

Paper in general is one of the easiest things to recycle - especially if its already recycled paper. One of the things you need to consider about printable paper or heavyweight paper is if your neighborhood or store location allows recycling or not. Nowadays this is usually mandatory, but in some cases you have to actually ask if you want to receive recycling bins. If you have to ask for them, simply call your waste management or recycling center and let them know that you need X amount of bins for your specific location.

You still need to pay the waste fees that regular garbage brings to the table, but frankly I think the benefits for recycling definitely outweighs the fee you have to pay for the cans. Also, these cans can be used for other recyclable materials as well such as tin cans, bottles, jugs, etc. Usually the waste management company or recycling company will give you a print out of what can go in the cans and what cannot - so make sure you read this!

Usually what we do is tape the info at the back door by the cans so we know what goes in what garbage can. You can also use the recycling cans for other types of papers as well, even paper with and without ink on it, and different thicknesses of paper as well. It's just a nicer way to run your business or your household and a good way to do your part when it comes to the economy and the ecosystem.

Are you a Photo Printer Business? Do you need Photo Paper?

A few years ago when I was into photography pretty heavily, I decided to start my own home business which would allow me to directly sell prints right from my house. The only problem with this was that I would need to buy everything including the printer and the paper. The printer itself was a Canon imagePROGRAF iPF6100 Large Format Printer. It was and still continues to be an amazing printer, but the paper I kept looking at in local stores near me and online was quite expensive.

You have to figure that this isn't just regular lightweight paper you can use for these prints. It has to be heavyweight, it has to be from a specialty store, it has to have custom paper size options and it also had to have different "material" options as well such as matte or glossy since different people wanted different finishes. When I was looking at stores that weren't specialty stores, the prices were SO high. It was incredibly frustrating because whole I was a good photographer, I really knew I wasn't going to make millions of dollars on my photography.

So spending $4,000 on photo paper every month simple wasn't an option. However, after visiting Limited Paper, I found much lower prices than the other regular stores. I'm not really sure the reason behind this, I just know that saving money on the forefront is HUGE! It really doesn't matter if you are a photographer or you have another kind of business that needs specialty paper – Limited Paper can definitely give you whatever products you want, at a price that is really going to make you happy!

Are You A Printer Business Looking For Specialty Paper?

If you are in the printing business have it be a store like Kinko's, a printer publisher, or another type of business, you know that heavyweight paper is one of your main costs, and it's probably one of your biggest costs!

Well what if I told you that if you bought online you might be able to save some money while working with a great company that will help you out with all your needs? Limited Paper sell specialty paper and can sufficiently give you the options you need such as printable paper, heavyweight paper, custom stock sheets and custom paper size options at the prices you really can afford!

When you use paper ALL the time in your business, contacting Limited Papers would be a good way to save some serious money, but still get a fabulously high quality product! You can also choose from different paper materials as well.

Limited Papers store all kinds of specialty paper and paper materials such as recycled paper, matte, glossy, copy, heavyweight, ink jet, laser and photo paper. We can cover every part of your business!

Tons of Custom Stock Sheets Just Waiting to be Bought!

Most businesses have those small items that shouldn't cost a lot, but it ends up coming the brunt of their purchases. One of those things is usually printable paper. Heavy weight paper can be a really important thing for a company, obviously depending on what you use it for. If it's something you only use once in a blue moon, then you probably won't need to bother with what I have to say. However, if you are a company or business that prints out stuff on a daily basis, you will want to hear what I have to say because it's going to seriously help you out!

Recently I was looking for some paper business so I could buy custom paper size options for myself. I know that most people automatically assume since its paper and it's going to be delivered that the S&H is probably going to be expensive, but Limited Papers offers free shipping and handling, and even same day delivery!

They also offered some really great prices for packs of heavyweight paper as well - and if you use a lot, then you know how expensive this can get - and the last thing you want to do is spend more than you have to!

Are you a Business that is looking for Heavyweight Paper?

Recently I just bought this huge printer for my business - it seems to do everything, but make me breakfast! The only thing was is that I needed some paper that could handle the ink, handle the use, and handle my type of work. I do a lot of writing, so when it comes to things like printing out books I've written for my publisher, or printing out reports for permanent files I keep on file, I need a printer and printable paper that is really going to be able to withstand the scrutiny in which I put it under!

Heck, that's why I bought a $500 printer! Some of the paper products I found at those "other" office stores offline were so expensive. It was really scary because I thought for sure I bought this printer for nothing! It's not exactly like you can use one without printable paper! So I decided to do what I always do - I looked online! Anyway, I found Limited Papers that stocks heavyweight paper, custom stock sheets and customer paper size, and also provides pricing that didn't make my jaw drop to the floor!

Now that I found my paper, I can join it up with my printer and not feel so bad for spending too much on paper!

Limited Papers Sample Swatch Book. The best book you’ll ever read!

You need paper and we got lots of it. We stock brand name papers in all custom sizes, weights, colors and finishes.

But choosing paper isn’t easy, especially when there are so many types of paper. Do you know what’s the difference between Carolina Cover C/1/S and Carolina Cover C/2/S? What does a Sappi McCoy Silk means? Is it really made out of silk??? Probably not.

So how can you choose? Well, we got two words for you “Paper Sample!”

Just order Limited Paper's sample swatch book and make your life much easier. Our sample swatch book contains as much as 500 different papers, and we’re sure that there’s one paper in there which is just good for your use.

When you think you’ve made a choice but still need to hold that sheet of paper in your hands or to run it through your printer, order a sample of almost any paper you view on our website. Simply click on order sample and pick the paper you want and go through the checkout.

Getting the right paper at right time is the key to success of many projects and your success is important to us. And by the way, your sample can be shipped the same day if ordered till 2.00 PM.

How to make paper with kids

The weekend is coming and we thought you might enjoy a nice arts and crafts blog. Because we love paper so much, how about learning together how to make paper with kids? Ye, we know we are a paper company but this blog post probably won’t make us go bankrupt. Let’s say it’s just for fun with the kids okay? Promise us that you won’t go and make your own office paper by hand…

You will need:
  • A kid…
  • Any kind of old junk paper (mail, newspapers)
  • Kitchen Blender
  • Bucket
  • Holed window screen or any plastic or metal screening
  • Towel
  • Cutting board
  • News paper and Cotton cloth
And Now… Making Paper!
  1. Rip the paper into small pieces and soak them in a bucket with warm water. Soak it overnight or for a couple of hours, depending on your kids’ level of patience. You can also throw in the mix some natural decorations like leaves and
  2. Pour the mix into a blender and fill it with water, to about half. Then blend the watery mix in order to get a smooth liquid.
  3. Evenly spread the mix on the screen and place it on the towel.
  4. Press the screen with the cutting board and squeeze out the liquids. Use a sponge to absorb any of the remaining liquids.
  5. Spread a newspaper on the floor and put the cotton cloth above it. Turn the screen over the cloth and detach the paper.
That’s it! Now just let it dry and there you have it…

Your very own handmade recycled paper!

But let's get down to business: when you need some real paper, contact Limited Papers for thousands of paper products available for same day shipping!

Watermark Papers. When your business needs extra security

You have a $10 bill? Okay, now hold it up to the light and look at the empty space that's right of the middle portrait. Can you see Mr. Hamilton appear? (If you don’t… well, I wouldn’t go to the bank with it.) This is called a watermark. It’s an image or pattern that is embedded in the paper which appears in different lightning and caused by thickness variations in the paper.

The watermark functions a signature or proof of originality and helps businesses, banks or governments to avoid forgery of important documents. Watermarks can be also found on bank notes, passports, contracts or tickets.

There are two types of common watermark papers, the one is called Dandy Roll and the other is called the Cylinder Mould.

The Dandy Roll process involves pressing the paper with a metal stamp (dandy roll) that is water coated. The final result is a patterned mark that lets more light pass through that thinner portion of the paper.

The Cylinder Mould provides a much clearer watermark by incorporating tone changes to create an actual image on the paper.

Visit and find out about the variety of watermark options avaliable.

Brand New Rag - Buy Rag Paper

When you are on the job hunt, you know that the contents of your resume matters, but the presentation of your resume matters as well, if not more. Employers receive hundreds of job applications and you have to make sure that yours stick out.

Try a snappy, catchy title or a colorful envelope. Wrap your portfolio in a unique folder. Print your resume on a luxurious paper; a paper that catches attention; a paper that’s made out of rags.

Yep, if you’re looking for the best quality paper to print your resume on – choose Rag Paper. You see, most types of papers are made from wood while rag paper contains special fabric fibers, mostly cotton. Now fabric papers are much stronger, durable to wear and tear and have a distinctive look. Cotton is also pH neutral so this paper is great for archival or art prints which will last ages.

Limited Papers is your best source when you want to buy rag paper from top manufacturers. Atlas bond rag paper is a top seller. Those who prefer to use "green" products are especially fond of it, since all Atlas bond rag paper is made of 25 percent cotton and 30 percent post-consumer material.

Recycled Office Paper. It's time to make a change!

Can you imagine life without paper? Sure, we see a technological change in the shape of e-mail and e-books, but really, can you imagine what it will be like waking up without the morning newspaper? Can you give up the cereal box? Forget about turning the pages of a book while riding the train? Or even leaving the personal touch that you make when you sign a letter?

People use paper since the 2nd century CE and it’s hard to believe that paper will ever disappear. What’s even more interesting is the fact that we recycle paper for more than 300 years! Yep, recycling paper is not a recent trend or just a green phase. About 60% of the paper we consume is recycled, which is a pretty cool fact.

Most of us have accesses to community recycling programs and in some states, recycling is the law. Recycling paper can save us energy and natural resources, prevent pollution and boost the growth of green technologies.

Many businesses around the nation decided to use only recycled paper or other types of green paper such as Acid Free paper, Cotton fiber paper, Green E-certified or FSC certified paper. How about you?

Visit our website at and browse through our unique collection of recycled office paper, envelopes, art paper, design paper, and other specialty recycled papers and start making a real change.

Welcome to Limited Papers Blog!

As a paper supplier like no other, at Limited Papers we proudly continue our legacy, providing consumers around the world with innovative paper products.

Working with us, you’re never short on paper and in our continued effort to provide you with best service possible, we are very excited to introduce this new blog - a place where you will find helpful paper products information, tips, news and the occasional deals and sale updates.

So let’s get to know each other. Visit our website at and browse through our unique collection of office paper, envelopes, highly-performing photo paper, art paper, design paper, and other specialty papers in standard and custom paper sizes.

And remember! As a traditional fine paper and envelope distributor, Limited Papers practically stocks thousands of paper products available for same day shipping! From oversized sheets, cut-size stationery, business and social envelopes, to custom-cutting, perforations and other unique services, Limited Papers makes every paper dream a reality.